Digital Citizenship


What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital Citizenship includes all online behavior. Digital Citizenship encompasses rules for ethics, etiquette, online safety, rights, and more. A good digital citizen knows how to make the most intelligent and moral choices when using technology.

Watch this video to understand the qualities of a Digital Citizen:

How does this relate to the theatre classroom?

  • Scrpits should be found legally. If the script is free make sure it is not copyrighted or it is in the public domain.
  • Make sure that research is acurate. When using online sources to do research for a historical production ensure that information is correct. 
  • Think about the use of technology and your digital footprint. Is your online presence beneficial or detrimental? What are you using technology for? Could social media help advertise for productions? Are you using technology at the right times?


See the links below for more information on how to be a good digital citizen:

Sources for this page:

Digital Citizenship. (2019). Virtual ​Library.

Digital Citizenship in Education | ISTE. (2021). ISTE.

Hishon, K. (2019, May 4). What Is Digital Citizenship for the Drama Classroom? Theatrefolk.